Thursday, March 30, 2006
V for Victory or Visitor?
This sentence strikes me when I glance through the business times today. Honestly a lot of us strikes to be Victory in life, but in which way? How do we really define these fine lines between, are you a victory or visitor in life?
For my prospective, Victory in life could mean a lot to one. As long as you hit you own goals (if you ever set a realistic one), to me, that’s considered victory. People can be victory in their mind, emotional, career, family or even acceptance. Excel in different areas makes us a victory too.
I would say I have been a visitor in life in and out of process. Walking in and out of different stages of emotional and situations. Visiting problems, facing it, will eventually make you stronger in any hold.
So I believe everyone must have been a visitor to become a victory? But that’s just so earthly saying. Its like quoting “you need to suffering before you gain!”. Which is so wrong in either thinking, be it being a Christian or in any religion. This stupid sentence might bring harm to people’s thinking and even crash theirs self-confident.
1) It will make you think negative of life
2) It hurt your confident and you will eventually back off
3) A very small percentage will face it and grew stronger
Risk it? Not for me though!
As I go along and around among people or friends, I can feel their deep down inside thoughts. Sounding so jaded, but the only encouragement I could give is everything happen for a good cause, look at it in a brighter view rather then drilling into a deeper shite hole. Focus on looking for solutions rather then looking at how bad the problem is. Well, it might not work for some or many, but at least that’s how I cheer myself up and get me out of shite holes.
Just believe and it will come, and even if it doesn’t come, other good things will unexpectedly come. SMILE!~
i think i sound quite jaded in this post to and i should learn from chaoda and tinywings too look upon Jesus. Less worries and everything has been taken care of at the cross! +D
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