Friday, August 04, 2006

My life...

God loves me and bless me with the following in Jesus name…

1) Favor in work (been good)

2) Better business in the company (still praying – want to market it into a bigger hub, bigger chain, more well known)

3) Friends who are never ending concern about me (been very good – they love, care, always stand by, a phone call away, tolerate my bad temper, tolerate my bad mood swing everytime, entertain me when I am bored, listen to my problems, help in whatever ways they can, for me.)

4) Family bonding (been very good – finally able to communicate)

5) Financial (still praying)

6) Food (been good – want to eat more good food)

7) Driving License (still praying – need to pass)

8) New house (still praying - really need the space I needed, feeling very frustrated)

9) A good maid (still praying)

10) Cockroaches stay far from me (still praying)

11) Lifting up my spirit (been so so – want to feel lighter and happier)

12) Emotions (still praying – need to have a better control of my temper)

13) Clear headed when situation arrives (been not too bad – want to be able to think right and logical and stand for my own rights)

14) Humans relation (been not too bad – need more favor)

15) Love and secure (been so so – need more love from friends and family and need to feel secure in terms of financial for now and future)

16) Size 3 shoes (been not too bad – want more outlets selling size 3)

17) Doctors (been very good – I found a great GP who is very patience with me and a good laser doctor)

18) Health (been so so – need more time to rest, need a better body)

19) Purpose (still praying)
20) Further Studies (still praying)

21) Too many to list…

How to describe the feeling I am having now? PROBLEMS

1) Life is full of surprise (sometimes good, sometimes bad)

Solution: Actually good and bad surprises will serve their purpose someday, if not it won’t happen right?

2) I have high expectation of myself and when I can’t achieve it, I feel so damn lousy. As if I am good for nothing, a waste on earth.

Solution: Everyone have different mission in life.

3) A little aimless now, losing my directions as a whole. Basically don’t know what I REALLY want and what is really BEST for me. Sometimes it might appear that it is best for person (A) but doesn’t mean that it is best for me. But I will still envy what person (A) has best for him/her.

Solution: None yet. Maybe I should leave everything to Jesus…

4) Trying very hard to make it in life for my family, my future kids and myself in future. Still seriously considering of having a kid in future, I am afraid that I cannot provide what he/she needs and wants.

Solution: Jesus?

5) Worries… tones of them… I just can’t get my brain to rest for just a while.

Solution: None yet.

6) Backache

Solution: Doctor told me to exercise.

7) New house

Solution: None yet.

8) I miss Jesus

Solution: Pray more

9) Last but not least… HOW to leave everything into Jesus hand?

Solution: Pray?

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